category archive: tech

Eight weeks? Already?

Tomorrow Graham turns eight weeks old. So much to blog but no time to blog it. Long story short: he’s awesome. His big sister loves him madly. Since I’m finding less and less time than usual to write posts here, I’ve finally succumbed to the phenomenon that is Twitter. “Microblogging” is the best description I’ve […]

adios, elbow

So, here’s the deal: “greasy elbow” was originally supposed to be the name of a band I wanted to start. Around 1997. Plans changed. When we got back from Korea in late 2001 and put stakes down in Austin, I was still thinking of it as a possibility for a band name, so I registered […]

Tony vs. Paul

This is the sort of treasure you find on YouTube now and again: awesome DIY projects by guys with boundless creativity (and seemingly limitless time on their hands). I’m so grateful for YouTube and Google Video. We don’t have cable, and most of the stuff on network TV is crap, but a body still needs […]

so much news, so little time to blog it

Life is busy; life is good. Here are a few recent/current things I just have to document: Cheris is about 17 weeks now with the next kiddo, and is feeling much better. She looks fantastic too; must post pics soon. We had a really great recent visit from my mom. Cheris blogged about that, plus […]

pimpin’ my peeps

A couple of my colleagues at the Hoov have side projects they’ve worked up on evenings and weekends, and I thought both of these were well worth sharing with the folks I know. Not long ago, Sharon and her husband launched BargainJack: “21 Deals Daily… Everyone Wins.” The concept is pretty simple: “Jack” finds the […]

armchair internet usage research, volume 1

I’ve read statements on web design & usability blogs about users who always use Google to locate sites that they may visit frequently, or even daily. Usually, the reasons I’ve seen given to explain this behavior are that the user doesn’t know about certain browser features (bookmarks, history, etc.) or that they simply can’t be […]