calling all CSS geeks
Getting close to completing a pretty solid new source-ordered 3-column layout. There’s just one little (OK, big) IE5/mac issue to iron out. If you can help with that, please do — I’m too sleepy to keep messing around with it.
your epidermis is showing
Getting close to completing a pretty solid new source-ordered 3-column layout. There’s just one little (OK, big) IE5/mac issue to iron out. If you can help with that, please do — I’m too sleepy to keep messing around with it.
Rob | April 6th, 2004 at 4:36 am
No argument there. This is one of those sad phases where my playing is even rustier than my strings.
Oliver Sudden | April 4th, 2004 at 10:56 am
Welp, I like liquid centers, especially with dark chocolate, but I think you should spend more time picking that guitar, really…