category archive: site

yes, we have redesigned… do not adjust your monitor…

Another new layout for this site. Been in one of those moods, I guess; can’t get enough web-twiddling. In fact, today we relaunched another site for a Fernandez Group, Inc., client: NRS Consulting Engineers. I must confess that I inherited this design, so I didn’t do any of the cool graphics, but I converted its […]

still more about the gardening…

Been real busy doing cool stuff to our house, especially this weekend, but found the time to redo my CSS Zen Garden site. I tweaked the layout and code to fix some of the functionality/accessibility issues, and added a few more images. I’m pretty pleased with the results. Lots of web design stuff going on […]

gardening pt. II

Well, I managed to create enough free time to build my own CSS Zen Garden entry. I don’t think it can make it into the “official” gallery because the layout breaks terribly at 150% text zoom in Mozilla, but I’ve worked too long on it to tweak it any further… Basically, at 1024×768 resolution and […]

shim it baby + gardening

Spent the entire weekend hanging a new exterior door on the back of our house. Carpenters we ain’t. Still, the finished result looks great despite all the sobbing and gnashing of teeth that went on. Photos to come. I’m hoping to make a little free time this week to build my own contribution the awesome […]

ranto numero uno

I think that last post qualifies as a rant. Dang, I’m proud to have my first rant on my blog. I’m all freakin’ choked up. Not much to say today except WOO HOO, the house is coming together nicely. Thanks Ann & Mike.

blah blah blah

Paging my motivation… paging my motivation… I’ve got a nice long list of chores to do, and I’ve made some headway, but every now and then the webobsession just creeps in. I spent the last hour or two setting up and just the way I like ’em. The Lazy Fingers pages and mp3s […]