category archive: society

bitch goddess Katrina

It’s really bumming me out that the process of overcoming a massive tragedy like Hurricane Katrina and all the associated challenges has so quickly deteriorated into the kind of heated partisan rhetoric that characterizes… well, just about everything these days. Democrats and Republicans alike, nearly everyone holding office right now just looks like a blustering […]

Biker Lawyers

Bumper sticker spotted in the neighborhood on this evening’s stroll:

the last word on gay marriage…

…or, at least, the last time I expect to post on the subject, anyway. I’ve finally stumbled across the kind of post that covers most everything I wish I’d found the time and skill to say myself about the issue. Everyone ought to read it. It was written by none other than Eric Meyer, the […]

the culture wars continue…

…and the bad guys are winning big. The bans on gay marriage in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma and Utah also prohibit any type of legal civil union arrangements for same-sex couples. The people of those eight states have now successfully wiped their collective ass with their states’ constitutions. All over those […]


The Onion’s Helpful Guide to Celebrity Weblogs. Oh, please let them make this a regular feature. Hilarious.

smelling like a Rose

When the news broke recently that Pete Rose was fessing up, I was eager to defend him as someone with a serious problem who really couldn’t control himself. Then his former teammate Joe Morgan made some points that caused me to reconsider. The timing of Rose’s admission and book release — same week as the […]