category archive: society

mmmm… soylent

From Cannibal hopes his memoirs will deter others, the Independent Online: He is also accused of ‘disturbing the peace of the dead’ for butchering the corpse. Technically, cannibalism itself is not illegal under German law. So, if you’re in Germany, and you find a corpse, and it’s already butchered, dig in!

Billie Jean is not my lover… that kid is

Come on, now, does this really surprise anyone? (Michael Jackson Faces Arrest on Charges of Child Molesting @ NY <run-on sentence>I wish I had cable and Daria was still on so I could watch Daria watching her TV and that TV show Sick Sad World in Daria’s fictional universe would come on because that’s […]

Fox News vs. NPR: everybody loses

So, the culture war is on in this country, according to Bill O’Reilly. If Bill’s appearance yesterday on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross is any indication, the war will be fought with very intense fear and loathing. Brace yourselves; it’s gonna suck.

solemn anniversary

There’s nothing much I can say about September 11th that hasn’t been said already, so let’s just leave it at this: I count myself very fortunate not to have lost any loved ones, friends, or even casual acquaintances two years ago today, and I feel bottomless compassion for all those who did. It seems impossible […]