i took the blue pill
Just watched the Animatrix. Wow, wow, and more wow. Bow freakin’ wow. Thanks Joe. And that made me wonder why I’m not making much music lately. So if you’ll excuse me, I’d better go attend to that…
my blog can most certainly NOT beat up your blog
Just watched the Animatrix. Wow, wow, and more wow. Bow freakin’ wow. Thanks Joe. And that made me wonder why I’m not making much music lately. So if you’ll excuse me, I’d better go attend to that…
Back when we lived in Taejon, we went through a Hitchcock phase: the video store around the corner from our apartment had tons of his movies and, well, they’re just so damned good. Tonight we finally saw one that our store didn’t have in stock: To Catch a Thief. Not a lot of Al’s trademark […]
OK, the redesign for this site is pretty much complete: new graphics and color scheme this morning. Now it’s time to put web design aside for a while and work on the dang house.
Well, my CSS Zen Garden entry is now blooming in the garden, in the “conceptual” category. Good enough for me. Looking forward to some golf with Mike & Tom Reed this weekend…
Another new layout for this site. Been in one of those moods, I guess; can’t get enough web-twiddling. In fact, today we relaunched another site for a Fernandez Group, Inc., client: NRS Consulting Engineers. I must confess that I inherited this design, so I didn’t do any of the cool graphics, but I converted its […]
Been real busy doing cool stuff to our house, especially this weekend, but found the time to redo my CSS Zen Garden site. I tweaked the layout and code to fix some of the functionality/accessibility issues, and added a few more images. I’m pretty pleased with the results. Lots of web design stuff going on […]