category archive: family


Been away from the blog for awhile, but the past few weeks have been productive. Among other things, I’ve… Laid out my travel plans for CK’s wedding in Rhode Island next month; painted our shutters a nice burgundy color to replace the hideous baby blue that they were; helped the brother-in-law to move into a […]

nice! a niece!

Congratulations to my brother and sister-in-law, who had their second kid yesterday at 4:34 a.m. — a 6 lb. 10oz baby girl named Michelle Katherine! The wife and I are pleased as punch to be an aunt & uncle again.

let the buyer beware

If you like the idea of combining your DVD player with an audio CD changer, think again. A little research last weekend revealed that despite a wide range of offerings in DVD/CD changers from heavyweights like Sony, Philips, etc., not a single one of them includes the one feature that makes owing a changer desirable […]

now THAT’s better

First of all, I’m feeling relaxed here at home after our return last night from really cool, if too-brief, trip to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Thanks a million to Diana and Kristy, and everybody we met or hung out with, for everything. Now, I just can’t contain my glee that that bastard Chris Danze (from […]


Got a cat! Yesterday we headed over to Austin’s Town Lake Animal Shelter and adopted Pearl, a 4-year old girl kitty. Not sure if we’re going to rename her or not. We are amazed at how quickly she’s adjusted to her new surroundings and basically taken over the place.