category archive: personal

HOW long?!?

Um, it’s really almost two months since I last posted here? Yikes. A few things I feel obliged to point out: probably the funniest picture that will ever be taken of Bella and Violet pics of our new vehicle Cheris has already pointed this out, but our friends have really been saviors lately: Emil helped […]

signs, signs, everywhere a sign

I’ve been meaning to write a post for a while about Violet’s use of baby sign language, but Cheris has gone and beaten me to the punch. It’s a good’n.

toddler toothbrushin’

Violet’s first experience with tooth care.

super-cool googly-eyed octopus kite

Hey, friends and family who like to see our photos once in a while! You know we’ve kept a lot of our pictures on Yahoo Photos for a while now (and Cheris added some more just the other day), but I should point out that for a while now we’re also now keeping many of […]

help me help kids in need. by going bowling.

Yep, simply by sending me bowling with a bunch of my co-workers, you can help out needy kids. For the second time, I’ll be joining in on Bowl For Kids’ Sake, a big fundraising event of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas. I—and especially the kids who benefit—would really appreciate your sponsorship: visit my […]

we had it first, folks

Wait wait wait… they named her WHAT Affleck?!?