category archive: personal

pounding pavement again

I’m about two weeks into yet another attempt to wean my body off demon nicotine. As usual, Extra Polar Ice gum is making a great contribution to the cause. Just noticed and thought it curious that Wrigley has a “What Gum Is Made Of” link on that page, but I’m kind of afraid to read […]

who says they don’t make ’em like they used to?

In the previous post about my damaged digital camera, I said: It’s pretty clear, however, that no repair can save it. Well, they say it takes a big man to admit he’s wrong… so I’m feeling pretty huge right now. Despite the cracked, hanging cover, this sucker still works. Even the flash. Check it out: […]

a moment of silence…

…for my Olympus D-220L digital camera, which died this morning at Long Island’s MacArthur airport. I was getting ready for the security check and slapped my backpack up on a table to queue it up for the x-ray machine. I guess I was in a hurry and put it down right on the edge, because […]


Been away from the blog for awhile, but the past few weeks have been productive. Among other things, I’ve… Laid out my travel plans for CK’s wedding in Rhode Island next month; painted our shutters a nice burgundy color to replace the hideous baby blue that they were; helped the brother-in-law to move into a […]

Freaky Friday

I’m about to go to bed, and just realized it’s Friday the 13th. All through my adolescence, I used to eagerly anticipate these days when they rolled around. There’s just something fun in trying to sell yourself on completely illogical superstitions: I would imagine what kind of weird things might happen, or try to interpret […]

blast from the past

It’s been over two years since Cheris and I came back from Korea, and over a year since I’ve posted any photos from our travels there. We still had a few batches of photos sitting around that had never been put into the Kwangju Chronicles, but I finally sat down this morning and forced myself […]