category archive: tech

props to the comment guy

It boggles the mind how much hard work some people will give away for free. The guy who developed BlogBack, the commenting system that I use here on the site, has recently extended the service a whole lot. It’s easier to customize the comments window, and the comments management interface is powerful and easy to […]

well, never mind…

…about Blogger’s new commenting features. Would’ve taken more effort than it was worth to get it to behave the way I wanted it to. Just went back to the old comment system. Simple & comfortable. Possible big changes afoot in my employment situation in the very near future…

in response…

Well, Blogger has introduced their own commenting system, and I couldn’t resist giving it a try. For now, the old comments (provided graciously by BlogBack), are gone, and I haven’t decided if it’s worth the effort to figure out how to keep those available too. Looking forward to seeing how good a job Blogger has […]

who says they don’t make ’em like they used to?

In the previous post about my damaged digital camera, I said: It’s pretty clear, however, that no repair can save it. Well, they say it takes a big man to admit he’s wrong… so I’m feeling pretty huge right now. Despite the cracked, hanging cover, this sucker still works. Even the flash. Check it out: […]

a moment of silence…

…for my Olympus D-220L digital camera, which died this morning at Long Island’s MacArthur airport. I was getting ready for the security check and slapped my backpack up on a table to queue it up for the x-ray machine. I guess I was in a hurry and put it down right on the edge, because […]

calling all CSS geeks

Getting close to completing a pretty solid new source-ordered 3-column layout. There’s just one little (OK, big) IE5/mac issue to iron out. If you can help with that, please do — I’m too sleepy to keep messing around with it.