something from Out of the Blue…
Announcing the new Out of the Blue band website at
I am a new tie wearing
Announcing the new Out of the Blue band website at
In case the title needs explainin’… dotlet = daughter in the family vernacular. Anyhow, there’s new Violety goodness in our Yahoo! Photos account: Added more photos to the June/July album I started a few weeks ago. Seems I’d forgotten all of June. Ahem. Started an August 2005 album too. Here’s a teaser, a result of […]
When I was around, oh, 11 years old I guess, my family took a trip to Niagara Falls. I will never, ever forget what my dad uttered the moment we all laid eyes on the star attraction of that famous tourist and honeymooners’ town: “Holy SHIT, a lotta water!” Pardon his French, but he was […]
It’s really hard to write the next post after something terribly sad happens, but today is a particularly good day to do it, I suppose, since it marks the two-year anniversary of the blog here at greasy elbow. Of course, it was a plain old “personal website” for quite a while before that, but it’s […]
Goodbye, Mike. We love you and miss you terribly already.
Lots of new pictures have made it up to our Yahoo Photos site recently: 2005.03-04-05 (from CJL’s camera): as you might guess from the title, pictures from Cheris’ camera including Uncle Tom & Aunt Regina’s Easter Sunday visit (think good safe thoughts for Tom, who’s back in Afghanistan) and Dave & Michele’s visit. 2005.04-05 more […]