category archive: music

is this thing on?

OK, we’re all moved in at the new host, but I’ve been very lazy about getting the site running again. This is just sort of a test post to see that I’ve re-configured everything alright, but while I’m here I might as well note a few things for the record: Violet is doing fantastic — […]

the last word on file sharing…

Post number 2 of 2 in my “last word on…” series: I think file sharing is fine. I used to make mix tapes back in the early eighties, and if something was done in the early eighties, then dammit, it’s ok in my book. I think that the people who download lots (and I mean […]

was it for this my life I sought?

Wow. It had to happen eventually. Straight from the horse’s mouth: Last Friday night, I got together with Mike, Page and Fish to talk openly about the strong feelings I’ve been having that Phish has run its course and that we should end it now while it’s still on a high note. Once we started […]

short game

Can anyone tell me why it is that the better I hit the ball in practice, the more I’ll stink it up on the course? Is this a simple extension of Murphy’s Law? A few weeks ago, I bought a shag bag and went out to the practice green at Jimmy Clay a few times. […]

more CW = happy RL

The quietly brilliant, usually overlooked career of Chris Whitley continues with two new releases, one an album of new material and one a collection of songs from his first three albums treated to the stripped-down approach he took on his Dirt Floor record. Highly recommended.

festivals schmestivals (bah humbug)

South by Soutwest film and interactive festivals kick off today. Music gets started next Wednesday. I’m sad to say I barely even know what’s on the schedule this year; either I’m working too hard or my hipness quotient took a sudden, steep dive when I hit thirty. I’m also, for the first time since we […]