category archive: tech

welcome to the brave new world

Texas State Capitol satellite image on the new and improved Google Maps. Zoom in all the way; the permalink doesn’t seem to support the closest level of detail. [Twilight Zone music here]

biz site & email down

Our business site at is down for a little while, as well as email for that domain. I decided to move the domain to a new registrar & host, and the old host decided to punish me for leaving their service by shutting down my account entirely instead of waiting for the domain registration […]

from the super-cool new products dept…

The amazing TrekPod is on sale now &#8212 everybody go buy ten of these things immediately. It’s a combination hiking staff and tripod, plus it’s got a really cool magentic-mounting system to make it even easier to use than your crappy old tripod. You need one and must buy one right now…

the last word on file sharing…

Post number 2 of 2 in my “last word on…” series: I think file sharing is fine. I used to make mix tapes back in the early eighties, and if something was done in the early eighties, then dammit, it’s ok in my book. I think that the people who download lots (and I mean […]


Bunker needled me a little on the phone earlier for never writing anything here anymore… I just can’t believe how fast the days are flying by since I started my new job and, of course, since we learned of the pregnancy. Life is certainly hectic but happy in the extreme. Someday soon I’ll sit down […]


The Onion’s Helpful Guide to Celebrity Weblogs. Oh, please let them make this a regular feature. Hilarious.