category archive: tech

daddy loves froggy… froggy love daddy?

Never mind the title (just random spewage from a movie). Managed to go to a SXSW kickoff party at Frog Design, following a Web Standards Meetup. Met lots of influencial and ridiculously talented folks like Eric Meyer, Dave Shea, Douglas Bowman, Tantek Çelik, and more. The only other thing I could’ve asked for would’ve been […]

8 minutes in the life of a total dweeb

Here’s how I’ve spent (some of) my time this evening: 8:49 pm Going through a pile of stuff on my desk, notice a note that I jotted down in the Portland airport last Monday. It was the title and author of a book I spotted in the airport bookstore that I knew I had to […]

delay the foray into the final frontier

Space exploration is so, so cool. How could anyone deny that? You’ve seen some of this month’s new photos from Mars, right? Simply amazing. However, at this particular time in history, space exploration is… just… oh, you’re gonna hate me for saying this, but screw it… space exploration is simply wrong. What this country needs […]

let the buyer beware

If you like the idea of combining your DVD player with an audio CD changer, think again. A little research last weekend revealed that despite a wide range of offerings in DVD/CD changers from heavyweights like Sony, Philips, etc., not a single one of them includes the one feature that makes owing a changer desirable […]

the amazing Church Sign Generator

This is the coolest online toy I’ve seen in a long time.

how doth my garden grow

Well, my CSS Zen Garden entry is now blooming in the garden, in the “conceptual” category. Good enough for me. Looking forward to some golf with Mike & Tom Reed this weekend…