category archive: friends

HOW long?!?

Um, it’s really almost two months since I last posted here? Yikes. A few things I feel obliged to point out: probably the funniest picture that will ever be taken of Bella and Violet pics of our new vehicle Cheris has already pointed this out, but our friends have really been saviors lately: Emil helped […]

support Parkinson’s research!

My dear old pal Michele is putting one foot in front of the other this year in the Parkinson’s Unity Walk, an annual two-mile stroll through Manhattan’s Central Park to raise awareness and funds for research to cure Parkinson’s disease. If you’d like to give some money to a worthy cause today, visit Michele’s fundraising […]

super-cool googly-eyed octopus kite

Hey, friends and family who like to see our photos once in a while! You know we’ve kept a lot of our pictures on Yahoo Photos for a while now (and Cheris added some more just the other day), but I should point out that for a while now we’re also now keeping many of […]

search with Blingo and win stuff

So, there’s this search engine called Blingo that gives away prizes a few times a day—iPods, Playstations, Visa gift cards, and other goodies. All the search results are actually just Google results, so you might as well be using Blingo instead and getting a chance to win something every time you search the web (actually, […]

musical baton

Keith passed me this musical-baton meme that’s been going around… I’m game: Total volume of music files on my computer: 6.4 GB. Bringing discs in from the living room very slowly; not really buying anything online but the occasional must-have standalone track. The last CD I bought: Calexico, Feast of Wire. Actually, my amazing wife […]

is this thing on?

OK, we’re all moved in at the new host, but I’ve been very lazy about getting the site running again. This is just sort of a test post to see that I’ve re-configured everything alright, but while I’m here I might as well note a few things for the record: Violet is doing fantastic — […]