things change, but sort of not
1998-2001: weekend trips to Seoul to get American food we couldn’t get in Taejeon or Kwangju 2016: weekend trips to Barcelona to get Korean food we can’t get in Granada
come for the freak, stay for the food
1998-2001: weekend trips to Seoul to get American food we couldn’t get in Taejeon or Kwangju 2016: weekend trips to Barcelona to get Korean food we can’t get in Granada
I got my Nexus 4 in April 2013, and while I like the hardware and the stock Android 4.x UI just fine, somehow in 15 months I’ve broken the screen three times, and I thought I’d capture the history of all that in a post just because it’s been so ridiculous. Not sure when I […]
I am really thrilled to announce that Helium Taxi, my first-ever album of original music, is available to buy today. The album is a collection of eight instrumental tunes, in the newgrass / jazzgrass / progressive-acoustic / whatever-you-want-to-call-it genre(s). It was all recorded live, no overdubs, on Cinco de Mayo 2012, with a string-band lineup including some of […]
About two and a half years ago I played a gig at the downtown Austin farmers’ market where I got to play guitar and focus entirely on my own material, something I hadn’t done in many years. In January I had another opportunity to do it again, so I rounded up three great musicians to […]
Cheris took her camera & tripod into Graham’s room a few weeks back and got some great shots of the kiddo as his favorite stuffed bear cycled through its light routine. Since animated GIFs seem to be back in fashion these days, I thought I’d make a couple. I’m not sure if you can export […]
Just posted another new song over at As I mentioned on Twitter when releasing this, someday I suppose I’ll record “serious” music again, but until then, you’ll get weird stuff like this. Like Cheris and I always say to the kids, “you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.” Turning off […]