category archive: personal

Houston, we have a lesbian

[Note: the post title is stolen from the always-hilarious Tom Pearson] So, Houston has elected its first openly gay mayor, Annise Parker. I wish her and the city very well, but let’s all remember that things aren’t really as they should be until this piece of information about the mayor-elect is not newsworthy. This is […]

farmers’ market gig recap

[This post is really more for personal scrapbooking purposes than for communicating with friends and family; please forgive its somewhat self-obsessesed tone. –Ed.] On Saturday, 2009/08/08, I played at the downtown farmers’ market for the first time as my own act—by that, I mean as the leader of a group that performed nothing but my […]

mini-project: typeaheadtoggle

Tonight I got my motivation up to build a very simple Firefox extension that I’ve been wanting for a while. It’s all explained over here on its own page:

kid tweets

I’ve mentioned this before, I think, but we’ve discovered one of the great undocumented uses of Twitter is a scratch pad for capturing funny things that the kids say. Cheris’ laptop sits on a bookshelf in the living room, so whenever a kid says something memorable, she just jots it down and it’s saved for […]

see how they run

Yesterday I crossed off another line item on the “stuff I might get around to” list: I ran in the Capitol 10k. For most runners this really would be no big deal, but given that my running habit is highly irregular at best, this was the longest distance I’ve run in over 15 years. All […]

my daughter, my hero

We’ll catch them and put them in jail! But first we’ll tie them up with rope and squirt glue on them! That’s what Violet said about the lowlife SOBs who broke my car window last night to steal a crate of CDs that were on their way to the rummage sale to benefit Ike and […]