category archive: personal

just making sure my blog was still here

Whoops, over two months now without a post. And too sleepy right now to actually write one. Cheris has been great about putting new photos online, though, so go look at the photos from our recent vacation if you need something to do. Or just check out all the latest pictures.

Eight weeks? Already?

Tomorrow Graham turns eight weeks old. So much to blog but no time to blog it. Long story short: he’s awesome. His big sister loves him madly. Since I’m finding less and less time than usual to write posts here, I’ve finally succumbed to the phenomenon that is Twitter. “Microblogging” is the best description I’ve […]

adios, elbow

So, here’s the deal: “greasy elbow” was originally supposed to be the name of a band I wanted to start. Around 1997. Plans changed. When we got back from Korea in late 2001 and put stakes down in Austin, I was still thinking of it as a possibility for a band name, so I registered […]

random late-night tangential thoughts

I just spent a little time on the terrific site checking out the very interesting selection of of newspaper cover treatments of the Saddam Hussein execution (make sure you see both collections, mostly North American papers and international papers), and couldn’t help wondering about the executioner guys in their black ski masks. What’s the […]

so much news, so little time to blog it

Life is busy; life is good. Here are a few recent/current things I just have to document: Cheris is about 17 weeks now with the next kiddo, and is feeling much better. She looks fantastic too; must post pics soon. We had a really great recent visit from my mom. Cheris blogged about that, plus […]

the next kiddo

If you haven’t heard the news yet: Cheris is pregnant again! We’re very excited to give Violet a little brother or sister (and yes, we’re planning to find out which it is this time). Cheris saw the doctor yesterday; she’s been deemed as 8 weeks along, putting the due date at Earth Day — April […]