category archive: site

new platform

Time for a change. Last night I installed WordPress here on greasy elbow, exported all my posts from Blogger, and imported all my comments from BlogBack. I was amazed at how easy the entire process was, especially considering that BlogBack is not the most widely-deployed 3rd party comment system… the whole thing worked out so […]

is this thing on?

OK, we’re all moved in at the new host, but I’ve been very lazy about getting the site running again. This is just sort of a test post to see that I’ve re-configured everything alright, but while I’m here I might as well note a few things for the record: Violet is doing fantastic — […]

virtual move

So, sometime tonight or tomorrow I’ll change the DNS settings on this domain and make a move over to a new host… No need to be alarmed if the site disappears for a little while, though I think I’ll have things set up so that shouldn’t be an issue.

biz site & email down

Our business site at is down for a little while, as well as email for that domain. I decided to move the domain to a new registrar & host, and the old host decided to punish me for leaving their service by shutting down my account entirely instead of waiting for the domain registration […]

do not adjust your monitor…

Well, I’ve redesigned again; it had been a while. The goal was just to make everything cleaner and simpler. For instance, I’ve removed links to the Korean sites from the main nav since nobody was clicking on them (though those pages still see surprising traffic coming in from Google). I’ve finally added an about page […]

feed me, Seymour… feed me all night long

I’ve turned on Blogger’s automated syndication features for this account, just for the hell of it. The feed is at: If you use a newsreader app or service, subscribe! I promise to write more (and maybe even better) stuff than I have for the last few months…